Question 1:
What are two modes of
views in Selenium IDE?
Selenium IDE can be
opened either in side bar (View > Side bar > Selenium IDE) or as a pop up
window (Tools > Selenium IDE). While using Selenium IDE in browser side bar
it cannot record user operations in a pop up window opened by application.
Question 2:
Can I control the speed
and pause test execution in Selenium IDE?
Selenium IDE provides a
slider with Slow and Fast pointers to control the speed of execution.
Question 3:
Where do I see the
results of Test Execution in Selenium IDE?
Result of test execution
can be views in log window in Selenium IDE –
Question 4:
Where do I see the
description of commands used in Selenium IDE?
Commands of description
can be seen in Reference section –
Question 5:
Can I build test suite
using Selenium IDE?
Yes, you can first
record individual test cases and then group all of them in a test suite.
Following this entire test suite could be executed instead of executing
individual tests.
Question 6:
What verification points
are available with Selenium?
There are largely three
type of verification points available with Selenium –
Check for page title
Check for certain text
Check for certain
element (text box, drop down, table etc)
Question 7:
I see two types of check
with Selenium – verification and assertion, what’s the difference between tow?
A verification check
lets test execution continue even in the wake of failure with check, while
assertion stops the test execution. Consider an example of checking text on
page, you may like to use verification point and let test execution continue
even if text is not present. But for a login page, you would like to add
assertion for presence of text box login as it does not make sense continuing
with test execution if login text box is not present.
Question 8:
I don’t see check points
added to my tests while using Selenium IDEL, how do I get them added to my tests?
You need to use context
menu to add check points to your Selenium IDE tests –
Question 9:
How do I edit tests in
Selenium IDE?
There are two ways to
edit tests in Selenium IDE; one is the table view while other looking into the
source code of recorded commands –
Question 10:
What is syntax of
command used in Selenium?
There are three entities
associated with a command –
Name of Command
Element Locator (also
known as Target)
Value (required when
using echo, wait etc)
Question 11:
There are tons of
Selenium Command, am I going to use all of them
This entirely boils down
to operations you are carrying out with Selenium. Though you would definitely
be using following Selenium Commands more often –
Open: opens a web page.
click on an element and waits for a new page to load.
Select: Selects a value
from a drop down value.
verifies/asserts page title.
ElementPresent: verifies/asserts presence of element, in the page.
TextPresent verifies/asserts expected text is somewhere on the page.
Question 12:
How do I use html id and
name while using Selenium IDE
Html id and name can be
used as it is in selenium IDE. For example Google search box has name – “q” and
id – “list-b” and they can be used as target in selenium IDE –
Question 13:
What is XPath? When
would I have to use XPath in Selenium IDE?
XPath is a way to
navigate in xml document and this can be used to identify elements in a web
page. You may have to use XPath when there is no name/id associated with
element on page or only partial part of name/ide is constant.
Direct child is denoted
with - /
Relative child is
denoted with - //
Id, class, names can
also be used with XPath –
//input[@class=’ lst’]
If only part of
id/name/class is constant than “contains” can be used as –
Question 14:
What is CSS location
strategy in Selenium?
CSS location strategy
can be used with Selenium to locate elements, it works using cascade style
sheet location methods in which -
Direct child is denoted
with – (a space)
Relative child is
denoted with - >
Id, class, names can
also be used with XPath –
or input#lst-ib
css=input[class=’ lst’] or input.lst
If only part of
id/name/class is constant than “contains” can be used as –
css=input[id*=' lst-ib
Element location
strategy using inner text
css = a:contains(‘log
Question 15:
There is id, name,
XPath, CSS locator, which one should I use?
If there are constant name/id available than
they should be used instead of XPath and CSS locators. If not then css locators
should be given preference as their evaluation is faster than XPath in most
modern browsers.
Question 16:
I want to generate random numbers, dates as my test data, how do I do this in Selenium IDE?
This can be achieved by executing java script in Selenium. Java script can be executed using following syntax –
I want to generate random numbers, dates as my test data, how do I do this in Selenium IDE?
This can be achieved by executing java script in Selenium. Java script can be executed using following syntax –
And for date –
javascript{new Date()}
Question 17:
Can I store result of an
evaluation and use it later in my test?
You can use “store”
command to achieve this. You can save result of an evaluation in a variable and
use it later in your Selenium IDE script. For example we can store value from a
text box as following, and later use it to type it in another text box –
Question 18:
I have stored result of
an evaluation; can I print it in IDE to check its value?
You can use echo command
as following to check the stored value in Selenium IDE –
Question 19:
Can I handle java script
alert using Selenium?
You could use
verify/assertAlert to check presence of alert on page. Since selenium cannot
click on “Ok” button on js alert window, the alert itself does not appear on
page when this check is carried out.
Question 20:
Selenium has recorded my
test using XPath, how do I change them to css locator?
You can use drop down
available next to Find in Selenium to change element locator used by Selenium –
Question 21:
I have written my own
element locator, how do I test it?
You can use Find button
of Selenium IDE to test your locator. Once you click on it, you would see
element being highlighted on screen provided your element locator is right Else
one error message would be displayed in log window.
Question 22:
I have written one js
extension; can I plug it in Selenium and use it?
You could specify you js
extension in “Options” window of Selenium IDE –
Question 23:
How do I convert my
Selenium IDE tests from Selenese to another language?
You could use Format
option of Selenium IDE to convert tests in another programming language –
Question 24:
I have converted my Selenium
IDE tests to java but I am not able to execute themL, execution options as well as Table tab of
Selenium IDE is disabledLL
This is because Selenium
IDE does not support execution of test in any other language than Selenese
(language of Selenium IDE). You can convert Selenium IDE in a language of your
choice and then use Selenium 1.0 to execute these tests in that language.
Question 25:
I want to use only
Selenese as my test script language but still want to execute tests in other
browsers, how do I do that?
You can execute you
Selenese test in another browser by specifying the “-htmlSuite” followed by
path of your Selenese suite while starting the Selenium Server. Selenium Server
would be covered in details in question about Selenium RC.
Question 26:
I have added one command
in middle of list of commands, how do I test only this new command?
You can double click on
newly added command and Selenium IDE would execute only that command in
Question 27:
Can I make Selenium IDE
tests begin test execution from a certain command and not from the very first
You could set a command
as “start” command from context menu. When a command is set as start command
then a small green symbol appears before command. Same context menu can be used
to toggle this optio
Question 28:
Are there other tools
available outside Selenium IDE to help me tests my element locators
You could XPath checker
- to test you XPath locators and Firefinder
(a firebug add on) to test you css locators –
Firefinder can also be
used to test XPath locators.
Question 29:
What is upcoming
advancement in Selenium IDE?
The latest advancement
in Selenium IDE would be to have capabilities of converting Selenium IDE tests
in Webdriver (Selenium 2.0) options. This would help generating quick and dirty
tests for Selenium 2.0
Question 30:
How can I use looping
option (flow control) is Selenium IDE
Selenese does not provide
support for looping, but there is extension which could be used to achieve
same. This extension can be download from here -
This extension can be added under “Selenium IDE
Extension” section to use loop feature in Selenium IDE.
Question 31:Can I use screen coordinate while using click command? I want to click at specific part of my element.
You would need to use clickAT command to achieve. clickAt command accepts element locator and x, y coordinates as arguments –
Question 31:Can I use screen coordinate while using click command? I want to click at specific part of my element.
You would need to use clickAT command to achieve. clickAt command accepts element locator and x, y coordinates as arguments –
Question 32:
How do I verify presence
of drop down options using Selenium?
Use assertSelectOptions
as following to check options in a drop down list –
Question 33:
Can I get data from a
specific html table cell using Selenium IDE?
Use storeTable command
to get data from a specific cell in an html table, following example store text
from cell 0,4 from an html table –
Question 34:
I want to make Selenium
IDE record and display css locator followed by other locators, is it possible
to give high priority to css locator in Selenium IDE?
You can change default
behavior of Selenium IDE > element locator preference by crating js file
with following–
LocatorBuilders.order = ['css:name', 'css:id',
'id', 'link', 'name', 'xpath:attributes'];
And add this file under
“Selenium IDE Extension” under Selenium Options.
Question 35:
My application has
dynamic alerts which don’t always appear, how do I handle them?
If you want to simulate
clicking “ok “ on alert than use – chooseOkOnNextConfirmation and if you want
to simulate clicking “cancel” on alert than use - chooseCancelOnNextConfirmation ( )
Question 36:
Can I right click on a
You can use command -
contextMenu ( locator) to simulate right click on an element in web page.
Question 37:
How do I capture screen
shot of page using Selenium IDE?
Use command –
captureEntirePageScreenshot to take screen shot of page.
Question 38:
I want to pause my test
execution after certain command.
Use pause command which
takes time in milliseconds and would pause test execution for specified time –
pause ( waitTime )
Question 39:
I used open command to launch
my page, but I encountered time out errorL
This happens because
open commands waits for only 30 seconds for page to load. If you application
takes more than 30 sec then you can use “setTimeout (
timeout )” to make selenium IDE wait for specified time, before proceeding with
test execution.
Question 40:
What’s the difference
between type and typeKeys commands?
type command simulates
enter operations at one go while typeKeys simulates keystroke key by key.
typeKeys could be used
when typing data in text box which bring options (like Google suggestion list)
because such operation are not usually simulated using type command.
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